The Enneagram measures personality along 9 different scales, each of which are linked to a number of personality traits. This test is huge.... 180 question and is loosely based on a 9 point diagram which is based on mystic theories but is fairly comprehensive in its analysis.
The Personality Profile measures people on 14 different profiles or 'types' such as idiosyncrasy and conscientiousness. Each type relates to a number of personality traits. This test has about 80 statements which have to be answered either yes no or sometimes. This test is quite straight forward and understandable.
Not so much of a personality test as a how much do you love your partner test. It kinda determines you attitude towards relationships and your partner. It also looks at the way you view your friends, family and other things too. This test has 45 questions which are rated from 1 - 5. Very insightful but not necessarily accurate. I would decide on whether to get married based on the results!
The colour test is a quick and fun test that involves choosing your favourite colours. You can then use this to work out a bit about your personality.This is a shorter fun version of the Lüscher Colour Test, developed over twenty years by Max Lüscher. The colours used were selected for their associations with physical and mental states.
The Maykorner Test is a very quick and simple test written in JavaScript which will give you an idea about how you view yourself by asking you three simple questions. It shouldn't take any more than 3 minutes but does require a JavaScript capable browser with JavaScript enabled.
Are you a total internet addict? Do your friends think you are sad for sitting at your computer running up huge phonebills? Do you know more about your computer than your partner (that's assuming you can leave the computer for long enough to find one!). Find out just how geeky you are with this test!